By Polly Guerin
January 25, 2010
By Polly Guerin
January 25, 2010
What’s all this talk about having “nothing to do?” If I were you I’d shuttle myself off to Museum mile and take in visions of the past, the winter antiques show, Bronzino at the Met and catch Lincoln and New York at the Historical Society. Here’s the scoop!!!
Historians and aficionados of ancient works can view Masterworks of the 15th and 16th centuries at the MORGAN LIBRARY, 2 exhibitions for the price of one. I’ve always been fascinated by the illuminated manuscripts, each page an individual dazzling treasure. I wonder how those artisans created such color intensity and riveting images, some of which depict Catherine herself in pious attribution. “The Hours of Catherine of Cleves,” is a rare opportunity to see the full contents of the book, parts one and two, reunited for the first time. Don’t miss the other exhibit, “Rome After Raphael,” a wonderful study of the craftsmanship by Raphael, Michelangelo and other Roman artists. The show runs through May. At 225 Madison Ave. (36th Street) http://www.morganlibrary.org/.
Historians and aficionados of ancient works can view Masterworks of the 15th and 16th centuries at the MORGAN LIBRARY, 2 exhibitions for the price of one. I’ve always been fascinated by the illuminated manuscripts, each page an individual dazzling treasure. I wonder how those artisans created such color intensity and riveting images, some of which depict Catherine herself in pious attribution. “The Hours of Catherine of Cleves,” is a rare opportunity to see the full contents of the book, parts one and two, reunited for the first time. Don’t miss the other exhibit, “Rome After Raphael,” a wonderful study of the craftsmanship by Raphael, Michelangelo and other Roman artists. The show runs through May. At 225 Madison Ave. (36th Street) http://www.morganlibrary.org/.
The Winter Antiques Show celebrates its 56th year as America’s most prestigious show providing even first-time buyers with opportunities to see and purchase exceptional pieces showcased by 75 exhibitors on view through Jan. 31 at the Park Avenue Armory (67th Street). The show features rare antiquities from an Egyptian sarcophagus from 1000 B. C. through mid-century modern furniture, plus a loan exhibition from Historic New England. One of my favorites, Maison Gerard, presents a pair of mirrored panels designed by Jean Dupas for the SS Normandie, (1935), which was the “ambassador” of French ocean liner elegance. Oh, my dear, don’t miss the Kenneth W. Rendell Gallery’s autograph letter collection and the amazing World War II book with inserts of letters, documents and artifacts of the which author Rendell has put together from his own archives. Daily Admission $20. Benefits East Side Settlement House. Daily 12-6pm, except Sun. & Thurs, 12-6pm. http://www.eastsidehouse.org/.
Who for art thou BRONZINO? Well, the Metropolitan Museum of Art brings together all of the 61 known drawings by, or attributed to, the great Florentine Artist of the Medici in THE DRAWINGS OF AGNOLO BRONZINO (1503-1572), on view through April 18th. A painter, draftsman, academician and enormously witty poet, often writing with his cat Corimbo at his side, Bronzino is a multi-dimensional figure and his works of extraordinary beauty and rarity, have seldom been on public view. The display of studies in chalk as well as more painterly drawings in wash and gouache demonstrates Bronzino’s brilliant command of the human figure, and his gift for composition. Drawings related to important fresco cycles, altarpieces, and tapestries with rich allegorical meanings reveal the artist’s literary sensibilities. http://www.metmuseum.org/.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln kick started his presidential run in New York particularly with his 1860 Cooper Union address in the Great Hall with his effort to preserve the Union, and the wartime threat to civil liberties. Lincoln’s evolving stance on slavery alternately infuriated and pleased African-American New Yorkers, many of them veterans of the anti-slavery movement and Underground Railroad activism. Lincoln and New York runs through March 25 and exhibits how Lincoln grew as a leader, writer, symbol of Union and freedom and ultimately, as national martyr. The New York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West (74th St.) commemorates Lincoln’s birthday with various Union army regiments and celebrates Black history month with the 6th Regiment United States Colored Troops, President’s weekend, Saturday, February 13. www.nyhistory.org.
Well, Ta Ta darlings! I’ve already visited Bronzino and Lincoln and checked in at the Winter Antiques Show so I’m off to the Morgan to see Catherine of Cleves. Visit me at www.pollytalk.com. I love fan mail, thanks for your comments, always welcome at pollytalk@verizon.net. Or check my blogs: http://www.amazingartdecodivas.blogspot.com and http://www.thefashionhistorianpollyguerin.blogspot.com or http://www.awakenyoursleepingbeauty.blogspot.com.
Who for art thou BRONZINO? Well, the Metropolitan Museum of Art brings together all of the 61 known drawings by, or attributed to, the great Florentine Artist of the Medici in THE DRAWINGS OF AGNOLO BRONZINO (1503-1572), on view through April 18th. A painter, draftsman, academician and enormously witty poet, often writing with his cat Corimbo at his side, Bronzino is a multi-dimensional figure and his works of extraordinary beauty and rarity, have seldom been on public view. The display of studies in chalk as well as more painterly drawings in wash and gouache demonstrates Bronzino’s brilliant command of the human figure, and his gift for composition. Drawings related to important fresco cycles, altarpieces, and tapestries with rich allegorical meanings reveal the artist’s literary sensibilities. http://www.metmuseum.org/.
Did you know that Abraham Lincoln kick started his presidential run in New York particularly with his 1860 Cooper Union address in the Great Hall with his effort to preserve the Union, and the wartime threat to civil liberties. Lincoln’s evolving stance on slavery alternately infuriated and pleased African-American New Yorkers, many of them veterans of the anti-slavery movement and Underground Railroad activism. Lincoln and New York runs through March 25 and exhibits how Lincoln grew as a leader, writer, symbol of Union and freedom and ultimately, as national martyr. The New York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West (74th St.) commemorates Lincoln’s birthday with various Union army regiments and celebrates Black history month with the 6th Regiment United States Colored Troops, President’s weekend, Saturday, February 13. www.nyhistory.org.
Well, Ta Ta darlings! I’ve already visited Bronzino and Lincoln and checked in at the Winter Antiques Show so I’m off to the Morgan to see Catherine of Cleves. Visit me at www.pollytalk.com. I love fan mail, thanks for your comments, always welcome at pollytalk@verizon.net. Or check my blogs: http://www.amazingartdecodivas.blogspot.com and http://www.thefashionhistorianpollyguerin.blogspot.com or http://www.awakenyoursleepingbeauty.blogspot.com.