by Polly Guerin

Read all about it “A Race to Recover the Crown Jewels, Light and Sound Shows, Noye’s Fludde and Computers in Antiquity unique cultural headliners, only in New York my friends, only in New York. Here’s the Scoop!!!
HITLER’S HOLY RELICS, a thrilling page-turner suspense novel by celebrated author, Sidney Kirkpatrick, tells the true story of Nazi Plunder and the Race to Recover the Crown Jewels of the Holy Roman Empire (Simon & Schuster). Kirkus Reviews: “A vivid true-crime narrative about a post-World War II investigation meant to prevent Nazis still at large from using several venerable artifacts to reconstitute the Reich…fast moving and intriguing in the vein of Raiders of the Lost Art.” Kirkpatrick speaks June 1st, 12 to 2 p.m., at the “92nd St. Y, 200 Hudson St. The book has moved up high on the Amazon list, available also at Barnes and Noble. Be among the first to read this riveting, groundbreaking book: http://sidneykirkpatrick.blogspot.com/2010/01/purchase-book.html.
MINUCODEs: An unusual VERNISSAGE!!! At Americas Society the Argentine artist, Marta Minujin has collected social data through a series of cocktail parties. Drawing on methods used in happenings and cinema verite, Minujin stages an immersive electronic environment in the gallery using footage from cocktail parties, by installing a series of light and sound shows. Watching the films, footage from each party flickers in multiple synchronized projections on the walls of a darkened gallery. Through June 12th. 680 Park Ave. (68th St.) www.americas-society.org.
Don’t miss this unforgettable spectacle of Britten’s and W.H. Auden’s rarely performed opera, based on the Chester medieval mystery play, at the Church of the Transfiguration (“The Little Church Around the Corner” a New York landmark), 1 E. 29th St. (between Fifth and Madison). The voice of God, Charles Brown, Andrew Martens , Noye. Leslie Middlebrook, Mrs. Noye, conductor Claudia Dumschat and staging Richard Olson. Tics adults $25, students/seniors $15. Call 212.684.4174 www.littlechurch.org.
The Antikythera Mechanism In 1900, a shipwreck (dated between 86 and 67 B.C) found near the island of Antikythera, between Crete and mainland Greece contained numerous ancient Greek treasures, including a mysterious lump of calcified bronze which experts determined to be the earliest known manufactured gears and reveals the surprising advanced state of ancient Greek Science and technology of the era. At the Onassis Cultural Center, 645 Fifth Ave., May 25 7p.m. R.S.V.P. is required. Call 212.486.4448 or 212.486.8314.
Ta Ta my darlings. I’m putting each and every one of these events on my ‘must see’ agenda. Hope to see your everywhere. Do keep in touch. Send a fan email to: pollytalk@verizon.net. Polly’s Blogs http://www.amazingartdecodivas.blogspot.com, http://www.thefashionhistorian.blogspot.com, http://www.awakenyoursleepingbeauty.