Spring is bursting out all over and New York is blossoming with cultural variety from opening windows on the 19th Century to three centuries of quilts, Cuban Fiestas and First Saturday celebrations. Only in New York, my friends, only in New York. Here’s the scoop!!!
ROOMS WITH A VIEW Who’s looking out the window of art now? You can at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s exhibition “The Open Window in the 19th Century.” Like a metaphor for unfulfilled longing a woman gazes out a window in a hushed, sparse room that is filled with a poetic play of light and perceptible silence. Romantic poet Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg 1772-1802), wrote: “Everything at a distance turns into poetry; distant people, distant events, and distant mountains; all becomes Romantic.” Exhibit includes gallery talks, a Sunday at the Met lecture program and a musical presentation on May 22. April 5-July 4.
CUBAN FIESTAS and THE HAVANA HABIT Explores La Fiesta Cubana from the 19th century to the present and its influence on United States culture and history in the spheres of music, dance and sports. The Havana Habit traces the relationship between Cuban and U.S. societies as reflected in the mambo and Hollywood musicals, I Love Lucy, and noir writing. Renowned writers Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria and Gustavo Perez Firmat will discuss and read from their publications. At Americas Society, 680 Park Ave. at 68th St. March 31, 7pm. Free open to the public. Non members must reserve in advance at
INFINITE VARIETY: THREE CENTURIES OF RED AND WHITE QUILTS "Infinite Variety" Quilts: Red and White has been a classic color scheme for American quilts since the early 19th century and provide a link to our cultural heritage. Quilts were symbolic of a variety of patriotic, personal and creative endeavors embroidered in red with designs from storybooks, nature, national exhibitions and famous parsonages, plus traditional geometric, snowflake and appliqué quilts, “fund raisers,” including Red Cross quilts from the private collection, 650 quilts of Joanna S. Rose presented in conjunction with the American Folk Art Museum at the Park Avenue Armory, 67-68th Sts. An extraordinary gift to the public. Entry to this unprecedented event is free. Closes March 30th.
FIRST SATURDAY CELEBRATES NORMAN ROCKWELL The Brooklyn Museum’s Target First Saturday attracts thousands of visitors to free programs of art and entertainment each month. The First Saturday, April 2nd event is a celebration of the different techniques artists employ to create a final product, as showcased in the special exhibition “Behind the Camera.” At 6:30 to 8:30 pm you can sketch a charcoal portrait from live models as they emulate poses found in Rockwell’s illustrations. Timed tickets at the Visitor Center at 5:30 pm. 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY. For complete program:
Ta Ta darlings!!! I’m longing to see "Rooms with a View" at the MET. Fan mail always welcome: pollytalk@verizon.net. Polly Blogs: go to www.pollytalk.com and in the right hand column click on the link to the Blog of your interest. Above my photo is the link to Polly's Monday column.
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