10th ANNUAL ORCHID SHOW at the New York Botanical Garden takes you on a magical tour into the realm of Patrick Blanc, (pictured above) world-renowned French botanist and landscape artist who has transformed the orchid show into a wonderland with his vertical gardens of living foliage and flowers. It’s unlike any other orchid show ever seen because Blanc with his green dyed hair, green splashed shirt and green leather shoes looks every bit the Forest Sprite that he is by introducing color-rich towering spectacular vertical walls. In an explosion of alluring design and fragrance the exotic walls rise high above, some featuring purple-leaved foliage, orchids from the forests of India or green leaves from the slopes of Montana. Not to be Missed! It’s time to get some color into your life. www.nybg.org. March 3-April 22nd.
YOUTHQUAKE! The 1960s Fashion Revolution ought to shake you up, wake you up to the youth culture of fashion during the 1960s, a decade defined by the ascendancy of young people, who were warning each other not to trust anyone over 30, as a political, social and aesthetic force. Featuring garments, accessories, videos, and other related media, the exhibit at the Museum at FIT and the Fashion Institute of Technology’s Master of Arts program in fashion and Textile Studies draws primarily from the museum’s collection to create the exhibition featuring clothing and accessories from cutting-edge boutique and mass-market labels, as well as high fashion ready-to-wear and couture including a metallic copper mini dress, wing Dings, boots imprinted with images of the Beatles, Dress with photograph of Bob Dylan. FREE at the Museum at FIT. Through April 7th. www.fitnyc.edu/museum.
OUT OF MY DREAMS AND INTO YOUR HEART comes the lilting music of Oscar Hammerstein that springs us forward into another era. PBS hosts a look at the man who changed the American Musical forever. Hosted by Matthew Morrison, the program on March 6th at 8pm is a celebration of the most acclaimed lyricist and librettist of the 20th Century, who worked in the theater for over 40 years, writing lyrics for over a thousand songs and the libretti for dozens of operettas and musicals on Broadway, in London and Hollywood films. Remember Show Boat, Oklahoma!, Carousel, South Pacific, The Sound of Music, The King and I, the show is brimming over with movie clips and interview with celebrities and Hammerstein family members. Not to be missed!!!
THE CENTER FOR FEMINIST ART takes center stage during Women’s History Month at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum with public and events during March. The center had hosted hundreds of artist talk, panel discussion and lectures and who can ever forget The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago still on view with two exhibitions that celebrate the 5th anniversary of the center: Rachel Kneebone’s Regarding Rodin presents the artist’s intricately wrought, large-scale porcelain sculptures paired with 15 Rodin sculptures and Newspaper Fiction: The New York journalism of Djuna Barnes features drawings, works on paper, documentary photographs and newsprint stories through August. www.brooklynmuseum.org.
Ta Ta darlings!!! I entered the vertical world of landscaped foliage walls at the New York Botanical Garden and you should, too. It’s like nothing you have ever seen before. Fan mail welcome: pollytalk@verizon.net. View Polly’s Blogs at www.pollytalk.com, just click in the left-hand column to view a Blog, like http://www.amazingartdecodivas.com.
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